Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Nothing will divide this love.

Readers, I'm not quite sure how to start this one off. But, I have to start somehow. 

Who is Jesus, and why is He so important in my life? Some of my friends have seen this change in me, wondering what is going on, wondering why I am putting all of my trust in this "mythological" man. I have had friends tell me that I am wonderful just the way I am, and that I don't need Christ or God or prayers to get anything. Because, I am pure awesomeness. To be honest, someone telling em that I don't need Christ or God in my life, was kind of like a gigantic kick to the back of my head... That is when it hit me. Not all of my friends are followers or disciples of Christ. I have friends that are atheist, Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist and friends who are in and out of relationships with God. 

So, for my friends who think I have lost all of my marbles, I want you to know that I have never been happier, all of my marbles are in my head, and I want you to feel the love that I feel on a daily basis.

Jesus. To me, He is my best friend. He is the one I go to when I am feeling blue, He knows all of my secrets, He is my heavenly father; and seemingly, He's been more of a father to me  than my own father. (I love my dad, no matter what). But, I have come to this phase in my life, wondering just exactly WHO Jesus is to me and WHAT my relationship with Him is. 

I recently bought a book called Jesus Is _____. by Judah Smith. Though I have only gotten through the first two chapters, I have been so incredibly inspired, and I want everyone to go to Barnes and Noble and buy this book! 

In my last post, I told you all that I went on a dating fast, and I noticed that I was trying to reach Christ through someone that I still, to this day admire, and melt every time I see him.  But, I was trying to strengthen my relationship with Christ through this man- and this is not the way to gain a stronger relationship with Christ or God. So, on this dating fast (which I am still on), I have been reading my Bible daily, this book by Judah Smith, and I have been conversing with Christ on a daily basis (well, I pretty much talk to Him all day), I have been praying and really asking God questions about the things that I have been most curious about- and He answers me. Not always immediately, but the answers becomes clear. 

By fasting, my relationship has been strengthened 10,000 times over. I know who I am, and where I stand with Christ. I know that He loves me through my faults, I know He loves me even though  I have my shortcomings, my insecurities, and sometimes, just sometimes... I want to punch people in the throat, but... That is not very Christ like. 

Alright. That term of being "Christ-like" and a Christian. In all honesty, I don't really like the term Christian. This term was only used in the Bible 3 times, and it wasn't  a very nice term. It was rather derogatory. So, rather, I would like to say to people, my friends... That I am a follower of Christ, even a disciple. 

For those of you who do not know who Christ is... He is not some angry deity who is judging and condemning your every move. Nope. Not even close. He walked on this Earth, He had friends, He had people who hated Him, but mostly He loved every single one of the people he came into contact with. He wasn't sent to Earth to hang out with all the "morally righteous" Pharisees; He was sent to Earth to hang out with the sinners, the sick people, the outcasts, and those who felt like they had no one. Jesus was that one person that everyone wanted to be around. He was the cool kid in high school who everyone wanted to hang out with on a Friday night, but he chose the nerdy, sickly kid to hang out with- but that kid's mom was the best cook on the block, so she just made the best meal for her son and Jesus to eat. One of Christ's last commandment for his followers was to love one another as He had loved them. So, I try to love people where ever I go and that is how I show people the love that Christ has for all of us sinners.

Also, there is no sliding scale for sin. There is no scale of 0-10. Sin is sin. So, every sin from cursing to burying someone in your backyard is equally weighed in the eyes of God. 

I don't know why I had to throw that in, but.. I did. Also... on that side note of sin. One of my favorite stories from the Bible comes from Luke 15. It's called the Parable of Prodigal Son- (prodigal = wasteful).  

Here's a sweet little paraphrase of this story. If you have your Bible near you, get it out and read it, if not... Google it. Yes, I just said Google it. But, if you're lazy... Keep reading.

This story in Luke 15 is the last in a set of three parables: Each with the same outcome. The people were overjoyed when they found something they lost. Well, this last parable is about a son who asks for his share of his father's estate before his father's death. So, the father willingly agrees to divide his fortune among the two brothers. The youngest brother goes off squanders all of his money in a frivolous lifestyle. He probably bought a big fancy house, had loads of liquor, women, drugs... But, after his wealth runs out, a famine breaks out across the land that he is living in. He grows so hungry, that he is willing to eat what the pigs are eating- just to eat something! So, this young son musters up the courage to go back home; just so he doesn't starve to death. He thinks of what he's going to say to his father, he repeats to himself, "Dad, I'm sorry for being such an idiot. I'm sorry I wasted YOUR money on stupid things. I have sinned against heaven and you, I would be LUCKY if you took me in as a servant". Well, as he's walking home, coming over the hill, his father sees him and COMES RUNNING towards him! The son starts his speech, which has to be pretty embarrassing, when the father tells one of the servants to go get the finest robes to clothe him in, and to slaughter the calf that was being fattened. There was an amazing party for this son who came back. The eldest brother, who is out in the fields working, asks someone what is going on, and they tell him. Infuriated, the brother says to his father- "I have been loyal and faithful to you all of this time, and you have never given me a party"! 

Well, the moral of this tale... It is not that God isn't pleased with those who have been loyal and faithful to His word, but... If one person, just one person goes home, like this prodigal son, there is a gigantic party in heaven for this person! And this is how it should be everyday! There should be parties in every church, synagog, temple, for people who come back to God!

But, you're probably thinking that being good and pure is boring... But, imagine the kind of party that God can throw. Imagine the party Satan can throw- It'll probably be kinda scary, in a big fiery pit of doom. With really bad people. 

But, my whole point of this is... I'm not afraid to proclaim my love for Jesus! My heart has completely changed. I feel like that prodigal son who went back home to my father, after acting like a complete fool, and yet He still loves me. 

I have never felt this kind of  love before; it is completely unabashed and unfettered. I know that His love for me is growing day by day and my love for Him is growing stronger and stronger day by day. One of my best friends, when she first invited me to church told me that she wanted me to feel the love that she feels on a daily basis. 

And that readers, is what I want for you... I want you all to feel this love that is so amazing  and unconditional. 

Readers,  I encourage you to get involved with a local church in your area. If you are in the Albuquerque area come to Copper Pointe Church. There are three student ministries: Farenhiet for middle schoolers, 212 for the high schoolers, and Wake for the college aged people. Copper Pointe has some of the best pastors in the country.  These people have helped me grow my relationship within Christ. If you don't want to jump into a church community right away, pick up Judah Smith's book Jesus Is____. It is an amazing look at who this man is and was. 

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