Thursday, February 7, 2013

Insecurities, Mistakes, and Going Home.

Dear readers,

YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. Or HANDSOME. Which ever you are, it's the truth. Do not let the labels of society bring you down. Those labels are not your truths. 

That is first and foremost. This has been a reoccurring message within the ministries at my church, and I feel that it is something that I need to spread. We read from Mark 10:46 which teaches us that our God, is a God of restoration; and this chapter is excellent proof. Just days away from his crucifixion, Jesus went to Jericho with his disciples, but he was also surrounded by an exceptionally large crowd of people. Yet, within this crowd, was a blind beggar called Bartimaeus. People were stepping over him, being rude to him, telling him to shut up when he knew that Jesus was present. 

Now, this crowd was loud. But Bartimaeus knew that Jesus was present, so he kept SHOUTING. The crowd of course, kept telling him to shut up... But he did not. He kept shouting. Jesus heard him. Jesus said to the crowd to bring Bartimaeus to Him. Bartimaeus knew where He was. He knew where Jesus was. He got up, threw off his beggars cloak  and went to Jesus. 

Jesus asked him... "What do you want ME to do for YOU?" The blind man answered him, "Rabboni, that I may receive my sight". Jesus said to him (READ THIS CAREFULLY) "Go your way; your faith has made you well." Bartimaeus' sight was instantly restored. Because of his faith in The Lord.

So- there are a few lessons here: 
(1) The coat that was given to Bartimaeus was given to him by the city, signifying that he was indeed poor, blind, and was a beggar. His throwing away of his coat was the disconnection between his FORMER and NEW IDENTITY. Much like Elisha's faith in Elijah (Kings) when he said that God had called him; and he burned his plow and killed his oxen. They are throwing away their cushion. They are throwing away things that they can go back to- it's like leaving the city, going into the woods, throwing your keys to your car into the river and going into a new town. You have no directions, or food. . .  Just FAITH. When you are in Christ, when you're walking with the Lord you are not who you WERE, you are not WHAT YOU'VE DONE, or WHAT HAS BEEN DONE TO YOU! Our society has this lovely way of labeling us at our exact moment of weakness. 
(2) Ask Christ to change you, define your needs! Many times we are asking God for things that will make us comfortable, but in all reality... We need to ask Him for our VISION back. We need our purity back.
(3) He's calling us. The Good Lord knew us before we were even conceived. We have a call on your life; we need to ask Christ what that call is. Don't run from Him. He is the answer.

Bartimaeus was the only person who had gotten healed that day. Why? Because he was he only one who CRIED OUT. Jesus heard his cry. Jesus HEARD HIS CRY. We have to ask God to to take our blinders off. We need to ask God to change our vision- give us it back. Faith without action is DEAD. God moves when you do. Ask. Be fruitful, be faithful.

Insecurities are another thing that plague our nation. But especially our young women. Insecurities range in anything from selfishness, to being overly competitive, dominating, over-accomidating, being over-materialistic, defensive, inappropriate joking, self promotion, bullying, jealousy. . . etc. I'll be the first to admit, I am not the most secure person in the world. Sure, I have some things that I can work on, and that I am working on, like my weight, taking supplements for my hair- I have really thin hair and bald spots. But they build character. I used to inappropriately joke around a lot. Not so much anymore; I'm an auntie, and I take care of two beautiful girls. They need another positive role model in their lives. 

We learn from 1 Samuel 20, the moment that we give our insecurities to the Lord, the he will show you your reason. Hannah taught us that we have to get out from under the table of comparison; the game of comparison is always a lie. I will never be a 6'1'' Victoria's Secret Angel- but I will always be my sturdy 5'5'' curvy frame. And I love that about myself. I love my legs, my fingers, my eyes, hips, tummy, hair, smile, tattoos, feet... etc. I really love everything about myself. I know that God is in control of the situation. He is in control over every thing. He has not forgotten about us- HE SEES THE BIGGER PICTURE. We just have to get away from our insecurities. But, the thing that we are most insecure about... Is the thing that God will work WONDERS for us within our lives!!!! We just have to stay connected to the source to truly have self-confidence. The moments when we have the most insecure moments, are the moments when we are not connected to the source. 
Ladies, we are daughters to a KING. It's time we start treating ourselves like princesses. Not materialistically. But, spiritually and within our faith.

This leads into my last little segment. How to lead a greater life.
(1)What you say is what you are; the way you talk is the way you feel about yourself.
(2) Dating: If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail. Everything in our lives involves planning. Is your dating intentional or accidental? Write down the qualities you want in your future husband or wife. Seriously. I did it. This list is non negotiable.
(3) Gentlemen: Never make a woman uncomfortable with the way you talk/touch/treat her. 
(4) Ladies: A guy can't give you his heart, when all he sees are all your parts! Don't blame a dog for the attack when all he sees is meat. Now, ask yourself... Is this something my heavenly father would approve of?
(5) What do you do in the name of God? Are you doing something in the name of God that scares you?
(6)Do you have nice things, or do those nice things have you? Is God your God? Or is money your God?
(7) Finish what you start. Seriously. Once you have started something... Finish it. Ladies, ask your man what he has finished. 
(8) How you respond to discipline, will determine your destiny. Discipline comes from the same root as disciple. The greatest friends will ask you the toughest questions.
(9) Is the Bible the ULTIMATE authority in your life?
(10) Church isn't the destination, it's the means to the destination. The church is the hub/central/atrium/heart for all things. 

So, readers.... I know that this is a lot. A LOT. But, I want you all to go out in faith. I want you to put your complete faith in Christ with your insecurities, with your LIFE- throw away your old identities and give your life back to Christ, and I also want you to make a list- a non negotiable list of qualities that you want in your future husband or wife. I'll share mine with you another time. But I've made one. 

Do not let your past mistakes identify you

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